The Tragedy Of Mobile Gaming

Posted on Wed 21 June 2023 in Video Games

I was taking a look at my old GBA, and I couldn't help but think about how much technology has advanced since it came out. It's been 20 years since that came out, so according to Moore's Law, modern hardware is 1024x better now. Seriously, our phones are better than …

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Why I Don't Like Minecraft's Cave Update

Posted on Wed 17 May 2023 in Video Games

As I get back into Minecraft, I'm reminded by how awesome the cliff update was. It's genuinely breathtaking to see the new overworld terrain generation while exploring my world. Sadly, I've found myself in a situation where I have to be reminded that the cliff update was paired with a …

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Facade Was Underrated

Posted on Mon 15 May 2023 in Video Games

Yeah, it was definitely janky, but it's incredible that the devs were able to make an AI that could respond to what the player says all the way back in 2005. Another problem was that the devs were limited by the number of lines that they could get the actors …

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