I Hate The Tiktokification Of The Internet

Posted on Sat 27 May 2023 in Misc

I think Tiktok was one of the worst things to happen to the internet. Social media and the like have always been bad for you, but short form content like literally everything found on Tiktok is like cyanide for your attention span. I refuse to use the app, but it's hard to avoid the problems of Tiktok when the internet is being consumed by Tiktok. This isn't Tiktok's fault, they're just running their own app, but it's hard to ignore how the content that originates on Tiktok spreads. Just about every video-sharing website (including websites you don't normally think of as video-sharing websites, like Reddit and Facebook) has been flooded with mirrors of Tiktok videos. These videos tend to be the ones that blow up the most, because short-form content is the most addictive, creating a feedback loop where people only look for videos that match Tiktok's short-form style. Youtube is awful for this, since it shoves Youtube Shorts down your throat. I try to block them, but Youtube won't let you, since they know these videos are the ones that keep you glued to the website. I know some people have the self-control to avoid clicking on any of them, but I don't. I know that there needs to be personal responsibility and all that, but you can't tell people to exercise personal responsibility when websites literally go out of their way to make it difficult for you to block addictive content. I might just cut Youtube out of my life, honestly. I've already deleted accounts for a lot of social media sites, and while it can be pretty boring without a dripfeed of content at all hours, I don't think a more boring life is a worse one.