Draughts Is Great

Posted on Fri 02 June 2023 in Draughts

I've noticed that a lot of posts I make here tend to be negative, so I decided to write about something that I like. If you don't know, Draughts is a family of games centred around diagonally moving pieces. If that sounds like Checkers, that's because Checkers is just an American/English form of Draughts. Draughts tends to be misjudged as Chess for people who aren't smart enough for Chess, but that assumes that Draughts is supposed to be like Chess in the first place. In reality, they're different games with different strategies. Chess requires you to look at a broad array of potential moves, while Draughts requires you to look deeply into the possible lines that are available. The main feature of Draughts games is the way you're forced to make captures. While you're sometimes forced to make moves in Chess, Draughts will routinely have you finding yourself in a position where you're helplessly forced to make bad move after bad move while a more skilled player prepares a devastating attack that'll destroy your position. It's great fun, give it a try.